You’re Doing What?

You’re Doing What?


Not that long ago I recommended a few documentaries to you. Documentaries on health, wellness and food in general. Well, I got hooked! I kept watching them and soaking up all the information. To be very honest, it was a lot! My mind was spinning with these thoughts of how I used to eat verses how I eat now. I thought I was living a much healthier lifestyle, and don’t get me wrong I was, just compared to what these movies were saying I felt like I was killing myself slowly with every bite I took.

Let me backtrack a bit. Do you remember The Readers Digest magazine? Long before Web M.D. this magazine talked about different ailments and health. I would read that when I was a kid and be sure somehow I had a rare strain of chicken pocks from the Philippines, never having been to the Philippines or known anyone who had. Turned out to be a pimple. The joke in my house was not to let me read it because lord knows what I would “have next”. Forget about it when i was able to google my aches or pains. In my mind I was probably going to die 4 to 18 times a year. So to say I’m susceptible to things I read and see isn’t too far fetched.

Back to the documentaries. Now, at almost 38, I’m not as easily swayed. Since I watched so many different documentaries with so many opinions, I started to do some research. Let me start by saying that every single person has their own way to health. And all of those people’s ways are right for them. This is just something at the moment that is fascinating to me and I just want to learn more. I have a history of Cancer, Heart Disease, and Diabetes in my family, and one of the main things I learned from my research was that diets high in vegetables and fruits as low in sugar not only led to less health issues, but the possibility of stopping some entirely. That, was when I really started to set my mind to the fact I wanted to change my diet. With that being said, I’ve decided on a more plant based diet. I’m not going vegan, or giving up all processed foods. At the moment my ultimate goal is 60% plant based, 20% animal proteins, and 20% processed foods. It’s not about being perfect, it’s about knowing that we are our healthiest from inside out. I’m also limiting processed sugar and artificial sweeteners. It’s all a lot to take in, and it’s a big change from the way I have been eating. I know that it won’t happen overnight, and that’s ok. I’m not stressing out about perfection or how long it will take me to read that goal. As the smartest women I know always say, Progress, Not Perfection. And yes, I am still on my weight loss journey, so I think it will work together nicely.

This is when my plan came about. The documentary, Fat, Sick, And Nearly Dead by Joe Cross detailed a “Reboot”, or juice cleanse. His plan said that by training your body to crave fruits and veggies you are less likely to crave the sugars and processed foods we are used to. So… I bought a juicer, downloaded the 3 day juicing plan from the Roboot With Joe website, picked the date of the first day of spring to start, filled up my shopping cart and did it! I felt like if I waited to do it, it just wouldn’t happen. I was full of information, full of nerves and ready to do it. As someone who has had problems with food addiction and secret eating, this cleanse was not only good for my new eating habits to come, but good for my old eating patterns as well. Luckily Dave had my back and supported me fully from the first step. I had several people who asked why on earth I would do this, why starve myself they said. I didn’t feel like I was doing anything crazy, but I won’t lie, that gave me pause. In the end I wouldn’t let anyone or anything change my mind. The cleanse was happening.


The first 2 days went by very quickly. But the third was a different story. Each day was exactly the same. Start the day with a hot water with lemon. A juice for breakfast, to be honest, I only enjoyed one. I also realized during this that beets are not my favorite veggie. In small doses on salads it’s one thing, but in a juice, no bueno. Late morning or early afternoon I had an unsweetened coconut water to replenish electrolytes. My lunch and dinner juices were green juices and those were all delicious. And there was a dessert juice that was fruity and satisfied my sweet tooth perfectly. I slept well, I was honestly never hungry, or tired… until day 3 when I felt like I was sleep walking. Still, I was never hungry or missing any foods. I was just exhausted all day. Then I woke up after the cleanse, weighed myself and saw that I not only still wasn’t hungry, but I lost 8.2 pounds. What a great bonus! Since completely the cleanse, I haven’t snacked at all. My meal size has been cut in half and I would say I’m at about 40% plant based, 30% animal proteins and 30% processed foods. And I think that’s a great start. I’m already planning another cleanse in the future, and I have had a juice every days since. Yes, I was tired the final day, but being tired for a day seems worth it for a future that can be much healthier.

I thought I would share 2 of my favorite juices with you, in case you would like to give them a try. And if you want to try a cleanse I recommend, for tips and help. And as always, I would love to hear your thoughts on this and if you have tried changing your eating habits.

4 Carrots
4 Red Apples, Cored
2 Lemons, peeled
Makes 2 servings

Garden Variety
4 Green Apples, Cored
4 Cucumbers
16 Kale Leaves, With Stems
2 Handfuls Parsley
Makes 2 Servings

Be A Cheerleader

Be A Cheerleader


“Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy”
—Theodore Roosevelt

cheerleader_before +_after

Starting my weight loss and health journey, the list of people who knew about it could counted on one hand. Over the years I had tried to lose weight so many times, and failed, that I was embarrassed it might happen again. Keeping it close to the chest seemed smart since I finally was ready to become healthy for all the right reasons. Somehow I just knew, this time it would work. With the support of Dave, Rachel and my very close friends and family, I lost a significant amount of weight. I was on top of the world, and thought I would just keep getting better and better. If only that was the case.

I was so happy with my loss I started to get lazy with the tools I learned. Instead of taking 4 walks a week, I was slipping to one. Instead of cooking healthful meals most of the week, takeout crept back in. Before I knew it, I had gained back a good portion of that weight I lost. There was no way I was going to let myself get back to that high weight again. A weight of over 300 pounds, such a scary number that I remember crying when i saw it. We were on vacation in Cape Cod, and I remember seeing a picture and thinking I was going to be back to that 300 pound woman again and it terrified me. It was in that moment that I decided that when we got home, I was recommitting to what I knew worked, Weight Watchers. But, this time, I needed help and support.

Instagram seemed perfect! It was incredible that there were so many women just like me, who just wanted to be healthy. It gave me such a renewed excitement about losing weight that I lost everything I gained back, plus some! The Instagram community of weight loss ladies was so helpful, and supportive that it made me want to be that way to others too. I made wonderful friendships with women that live 10 minutes from me, and some that live on other continents. It is incredible how women who are going through the same things can cheer each other on and be so supportive. But again, other things can creep in.

Following some women on their journey, seeing their incredible success, started to make me not feel as supportive. It started to make me feel jealous. Why were they doing so well, and why was I creeping along at a turtles pace. We were eating the same foods and following the same plan. Why did one start running a marathon already, and another put on a size 8 dress? Why wasn’t that me? I have always been an emotional binge eater, and in those moments of jealousy I started to think, why not? Why not just eat pizza and chips? I’ll never be as good as them. Why not skip a weekend hike, I’ll never fit into that size like they were doing. It was tough. I wanted to be happy for them, but it was making me sad.

I saw that quote about a year ago from Theodore Roosevelt and it clicked. I was so much happier and healthier than I ever was, and what other people were doing had nothing to do with that. I was the one who was in a size 12 from a size 22/24. I did that! I was the one who could walk miles and miles now and not be out of breath. I was happy with what I had done and with what I still wanted to achieve. I knew that I would do it, no matter how many stumbles, or how long it took. I will get to where I want to be. It was then that I started to cheer on those friends again. I was genuinely happy when a friend hit a milestone with her weight loss. Again, it gave me motivation to know I could do it too. It’s a much better feeling to cheer someone on than it is to be jealous. I love my fierce tribe of ladies, and I know they love me and have my back. Finding that joy keeps me going everyday, and makes me want you to find it too.


Watch What You Eat

Watch What You Eat

Did you know there are about a thousand different documentaries about our health? Documentaries about the chemicals we consume, the types of foods we do eat, and the foods we shouldn’t eat. Over the years I have heard about some of them, and even saved a bunch on my Netflix queue to watch at some point. They gathered there, collecting virtual dust as I watched old episodes of Law & Order while saying “I can’t wait till I have time to watch those documentaries”. Meanwhile I just spent 4 hours watching Mariska Hargitay catch another serial killer/rapist. Years ago someone mentioned a documentary about becoming vegan, and I scoffed. Seriously, I made a loud noise like a llama and then said well that’s a bunch of crap. For some reason, before I was ready to lose weight, I turned a blind eye to these types of things. Maybe I was scared at that time to see things about health and foods that I was consuming all the time, so I didn’t want it in my face. I didn’t need a documentary telling me not to eat more McDonald’s, at that point, I needed McNuggets in my life. So as with anything else I wasn’t ready to accept yet, I ignored these health documentaries. Well, after being on a health journey for a few years now, I was ready to learn and embrace different people’s opinions on health and wellness.

So, I sat down and watched a slew of them. I had a full on healthy binge and I will say I learned a lot from some, but others just outlined common sense health tips. I mean common sense says eating fruits and vegetables is the way to go. Eating less red meat and more chicken and fish. One documentary even said, are you ready for this? That consuming diet soda has a similar effect as snorting cocaine! So, while some were entertaining, others downright boring. I thought I would share a few with you that I really enjoyed. Shocker! Big name movies like Forks Over Knives, and What The Health didn’t make my list of top 3 movies. I personally found them a little boring and preachy. I know everyone has different opinions, but I learn better when I’m entertained and have some emotion attached. I hope you like the movies I picked, and please share with me your thoughts on them. I’m also really interested in what documentaries you love about health and wellness.

Fat Sick And Nearly Dead, 2010 and Fat Sick And Nearly Dead 2, 2014, Joe Cross

fat_sickThis documentary follows Australian Joe Cross on a journey to health through juicing. I found it incredibly interesting learning about more plant based diets, and the health benefits of it other than just weight loss. The main idea is that a “reboot” of your system by juicing, weather it’s 5, 10, or 30 days will help you to be more healthy from the inside out. I loved his views on what we eat and the fact he wants to help others too.

Food inc., Robert Kenner, 2008

Food has changed over the last 100 years and this documentary not only talks about the foods, but how the foods we eat today effect the environment we live in. I won’t lie to you, this movie had me on the edge-of-my-seat. It was more than a little unnerving learning about what was acceptable quality of food from supermarkets, farms and the government. To me this is a must watch, and an eye opener.

Hungry For Change, James Colquhoun, 2012

This one was by far my favorite, out of all the health documentaries I’ve watch so far. There was a mix of organic farmers, people who have overcome illness like cancer and diabetes, and doctors all talking about different ways to improve health by eating healthy. I found this documentary positive and reassuring about taking little steps every day to find what works for you. It also made me gasp when they were talking about things I used to consume constantly like diet sodas! Scary stuff, that I’m very happy I haven’t had in years. This is a fun, informative movie that you finish watching and tell yourself, I can be healthier!

I got hooked watching these movies and I’ll keep you all up to date as I find new and interesting subjects. I know the more I eat well, exercise and learn about health, the better I become. These documentaries are a tool we can all use to better ourselves. Now go grab your organic healthy snacks and start watching.


Hey Gym!

Hey Gym!


Ok, so do you all remember awhile back when I went on a diatribe about how I’m not a gym girl? I’m all about hiking, and long walks and the occasional Zumba class, that’s what I’m really into! Well, I’m busy! Our weekends are often packed with things that have to get done, and then we aren’t free till later in the evenings. There goes a lot of my hiking time. My weekday work schedule is great for morning walks, but I’ll be honest, not my favorite when it’s 3 degrees out. And Zumba? well let’s say I had an incident awhile back where I really hurt my back and have been gun-shy since. I really want to try other classes and go back to Zumba too. But studios like Soul Cycle, or a yoga studio are very pricy, so there is no way I could try a little bit of everything.


Enter the gym. For a while, Dave and I had discussed finding new ways to be healthy together. It’s so wonderful that my biggest supporter is also wanting to become healthier right along with me. There is a local gym that a lot of people we know have joined. It’s a top of the line place, multiple swimming pools, tons of classes, a giant gym, restaurant and even a hair salon! It sounded amazing, intimidating and super expensive! Turns out it was all of that, and neither of us wanted to spend the equivalent of a car payment every month on a gym membership. A friend of mine, also someone I work with has recently become a gym rat. He really turned his whole life around and became very healthy. He loves the gym so much he got a part-time job there as well. I thought the gym he went to was a basic place, no classes with mostly men and very serious fit girls. On a whim we stopped by one evening. Turns out they had classes too, a nice mix of men and women and a small price tag. After an entire 2 minutes of discussion, we signed up right then!

Jump to the next day when we were planning to go for the first time. I was a nervous wreck! I had these fears that everyone would sense my snarky attitude about gym goers. Even worse, everyone would see that I had no idea at all what I was doing! I love my instagram Fit Sisters, so I even asked them for advice. You know what, 9 times out of 10 they just told me to relax, take my time getting used to the machines, and nobody pays attention to anybody but themselves anyway, so no need to worry. And shocker… They were right! My nerves almost immediately fell away as I jumped on the treadmill and walked, at a killer incline, I might add. Yes, I still have no clue how to work 99% of the machines, but I don’t have the fear now. I’m looking forward to trying a yoga class, Zumba class and spin class, hopefully without harming my lady parts. I set goals for myself in the upcoming year, and it makes me feel really good about the fact I started before it even began. As for the gym, we shall see. Maybe I’ll write my next blog post while on the elliptical.

Trying to Shop

Trying to Shop

I am happy to say that I’ve gone from wearing a size 22w/3X to now wearing a size 12/L and I’m so proud! As a plus sized shopper for so many years, and having such limited options, it’s a lot of fun to go shopping now. To be able to walk into almost any store and try things on and have them fit… it’s amazing!

With that being said, shopping is a real pain in the ass! Losing over a hundred pounds might make me happy, but it also makes me flabby. I have been massively overweight for the majority of my adult life, so that skin has been stretched to the hilt for far too long to bounce right back. To top it off I’m 37, so the skin that might have tightened right up when I was 22 has different plans nowadays. I need to realize that my body type is curvy and I need to wear clothing that flatters my new curves. It is very unfortunate that the style trend of the summer of ‘17 is apparently, tent. I mean, what the hell? I loose all kinds of wright and every top and dress is now billowing and body less.

This past weekend Dave and I were out and I decided I really wanted a new cover-up for the beach. I went into the store ready to be choosy, because it’s almost vacation time and I want to be frugal. I found a few dresses immediately that were adorable on the hanger, and all only a size large, no more XL’s or XXL’s for this girl. I was feeling great about myself, I had a nice weekly weight loss and my focus has been on point. And then came the fitting room, and my sadness. Every single dress I tried on just hung on my body like a potato sack. No curves, no body, no notice at all of how much weight I’ve lost. Immediately I felt sad and was feeling down on myself. Shopping, in that one trip, became no fun again.

Why do we do this? I know it was just a bad style of dress for me. Like I said, I need things that show off my curves, not hide them. But seeing myself in those unflattering outfits made me go right back to that girl who hated how she looked in everything! Dave asked me if I wanted to keep looking for something different, but I was just checked out. I decided nothing would look good on me and was in a funk for the rest of that afternoon. I knew in my mind that I was being silly, but I still let those stupid clothes define me. It took me a few hours to realize it’s all a head game. I should have looked at myself in those dresses and just said, not for me. It’s a dress, not a huge deal. I think that situation taught me to breathe a little bit when I go shopping. Not everything is going to look good on me even though I lost all that weight. And just because something technically fits me, doesn’t mean I should wear it.

I was out the other evening running some errands and I wasn’t going to shop for myself. Still not back a hundred percent from frumpy-dress-gate, I wasn’t in the mood. But, anyone who knows me knows anchors are my weakness. My inner prepster can’t resist them, and when I saw a display full of them I had to look. So, throwing caution to the wind, I grabbed a sleeveless shirt and hit the dressing room. It was a size large, it fit my curves and made me look…wait for it…thin! I knew that style was better for my body, and I should dress for my body, not for trends. I felt amazing in my new Lands End polo shirt, and my love of shopping returned! Now, I’m going to keep trying on things that probably won’t look great on me, and my only hope is that my mind will change as much as my body has. It’s ok if something doesn’t look great on me, because there will be something else that does. Hey, I’m sure even Scarlet Johansson has days where she feels frumpy too. Or at least, that’s what I tell myself.

Mindful living: Is this what hungry feels like?

Mindful living: Is this what hungry feels like?

At some point I started to tell myself, “I need a size 3x, So what! I have a man that loves me” and “I don’t care how big I am, I can still look cute.” Over 300 pounds at that time, I was a smoker and my health wasn’t a priority. There was a little girl in my house who was looking at me like I was a cool, fun adult and I never stopped and asked myself, “Am I a good role model?” I remember the specific day that I wanted to change my life, February 9, 2013, the day I hit the wall.

Couple Walking on Beach at Sunset

As I have mentioned before, I’m a very lucky women to have found the most supportive man ever. So the fact that he loved me when we first met and I was a size 16, and he loved me at a size 22 always made me feel great. I was lucky enough to one day realize i needed to change for nobody but myself! There were tears, a little bit of panic and finally a motivation I never realized I had. I joined Weight Watchers that day! Over the next six months I lost over 70 pounds of fat and I gained a confidence I had never In my life possessed.

As with many things in life, you start to get comfortable in your own skin. Wanting to change and get thinner doesn’t seem as important after that initial loss. I was feeling great! Taking long walks, being active with my family going swimming and just playing on the swings. But slowly over the year I gained a little back. Sneaky pounds. Yes, I was more active, but I stopped working the program that helped me to lose. I still didn’t have a good relationship with food and continued to used it as a reward. “Yeah me, you just walked a 5K!! Go get ice cream and treat yourself!” That’s not keeping anyone healthy. Time went on and my family went away on vacation as usual in Cape Cod in July of 2015. When we were away I was noticing something. I stoped liking the way I looked again. I was not only gaining, but getting less active too. All my hard work was going down the drain and it made me not only sad, but completely pissed off at myself. The day we got back from vacation, August 1st. to be exact. I rejoined Weight Watchers.

Over the next year and a half I lost the weight I gained back and more! I added hiking, Zumba, walking and all kinds of other fitness into my routine. I was fitting into a size 12 jeans! That might have been one of the most exciting times on this weight loss journey, because I don’t remember a time in my life I was less than a size 14. I was getting healthier and it was becoming a habit. I felt like one of those girls I sometimes envied, who got up at 6 am to workout. That was me! Life was good, but then my brain started to work again. I started to really think about my health, not just losing weight. About eating more organic foods, incorporating more healthy grains and nuts, eating healthy fats and finding out what kinds of things can make me more healthy from the inside out. I still have more weight to loose, but I didn’t want to track every bite anymore. I didn’t want a deadline on my health either. That’s when I decided to change again.

Mindful eating. It was a foreign concept to me. In my mind I always want to eat pizza and have a giant glass of wine, so how was this going to work for me? Strangely enough, it is working. All of the things I learned on Weight Watchers have become just the way I am. I eat smaller portions and incorporate fruits and veggies all the time every day. If I workout, I will make sure I eat a little extra so I keep fueling my body in a good way. But now, there is no rush. If I loose 0.2 pounds in a week, I’m happy because I’m living a healthy life. When I am at work and my stomach hurts from being hungry, it doesn’t scare me anymore like I might be sick. I never knew what being hungry felt like because I was so used to always overeating before I started to loose weight, or eating at certain times everyday on Weight Watchers. I’m listening to my body and really trying to focus on the 80/20 method. Eating clean healthful foods 80 percent of time and 20 percent of the time indulging in foods that might not be super healthy, but they make me happy. It’s not an easy road for sure, but I’m learning every day more about myself. More about being healthy, and more about what I want out of my life. I know I want to be healthy, I want to be more fit and that’s my priority now. It’s funny how over the years my goals have gone from “I want to be skinny!” To “I want to be healthy.”  At only 37, I have a lot to still learn, and I love wanting to change and grow everyday.


  • I start everyday with a positive thought about my day. It might seem silly but taking this health journey one day at a time has always helped me.
  • Think about my days plan and about foods I might be eating. This isn’t a long process. If I might go out to dinner that night, I’m going to make sure my breakfast, lunch and snack are all healthy. Again, that 80/20 rule is always in my mind.
  • Make sure there is a fruit or vegetable with every single thing you eat! I can’t stress that enough. It keeps me full and not craving crap.
  • Always keep healthy go-to-snacks everywhere you are. I find that if I have better choices around me, even at work, I’m less likely to snack on other things. I love all different flavors of hummus and salsas which go great with a low calorie crackers or chips and with cucumbers.
  • I don’t consider any meal a “cheat meal”. I feel badly using that term, like I should be punished for having it. As long as I feel my day has been balanced with food and fitness, I’ll have that extra glass of wine or big burger!
  • Finally, cut yourself slack. If you are like me, being mindful is not something that comes naturally. Don’t punish yourself if you feel like you are doing more of a 50/50 plan instead of 80/20. The next meal, next morning, or even next week when you want to refocus. Just do it. There is no award for figuring out how to be healthy fastest. Just relax, breathe and tell yourself everyday you are worthy of living a healthy life.



Lovely Lambertville

Lovely Lambertville


I remember my first trip to Lambertville, New Jersey when I was a little kid. It was a really hot day, and my mom always loved a car trip. I remember her old Mercury Cougar with the old vinyl seats that made me sweat, even on a cold day. I also got carsick that day and we had to stop at Jamesway, the Walmart of its day, to get me a whole new outfit. Not the best memories, but vivid that’s for sure.


I think I must get it from my mom, but I love a good day trip. Whether it’s down the shore for the day, a trip into New York City or a drive to Pennsylvania I’ll take it. I’m lucky that I have a guy that loves it too, so we have always loved finding new and returning to our favorite spots. Going to Lambertville for us on a nice day is always something we enjoy, and I’ll tell you why.


Lambertville is a small town right on the Delaware River and the Delaware River Canal. Since it was right on a waterway it became a big factory town in the 1800’s with a straight route to Trenton and back. It stayed a productive and busy area into the 1950’s with the addition of a train line and a large community growing in this sleepy little town. In the 1970’s as the factories started to slowly close, large groups of young people who grew up in Lambertville were now coming back with hopes of revitalizing their town. They decided this town was perfect the way it was. Instead of tearing buildings down, they renovated the existing ones to keep their charm. Homes from the 1800’s now stand as bed and breakfasts, little coffee shops and fabulous restaurants. The town has become somewhat of a destination for antique shoppers, with shops that cater to almost any taste. It seems as those young people were right, and people would want to come to this small river town.


Today was a particularly beautiful spring day so people were everywhere. We stopped in a music instrument store Dave loves that’s located above a small coffee shop and art gallery. It’s a great space where the owner sits and plays slide guitar, working on a new song, as you walk around and browse. I took a look inside a few new boutiques and even picked up a birthday gift for a friend. We window-shopped in the antique stores, had a cocktail while sitting outside in the sun. We walked across the bridge from New Jersey to Pennsylvania and admired the view of the river. It really is a beautiful and relaxing way to spend a day. I recommend a romantic day trip with your honey or grabbing your kids and walking the towpath along the canal and having lunch at a local sandwich shop. Either way, you will be happy you made the trip.


Date Night

Date Night


A while ago I was talking to a girlfriend, telling her I was excited for my date night with Dave. She looked at me with slightly confused and asked why we need a date night? The fact is that we spend most of our time together so why is it we need a special “date night”?  I asked “Don’t you have a date night with your husband”? She laughed and told me not since they were first dating. They have been married for 5 years and felt that they didn’t need a date night because they saw each other all the time. We are all different I explained, and I liked my planned out dates.

Date Night

Anyone who knows me understands I’m a thinker. I am not saying that I have a great philosophical mind. What I mean is, when I’m thinking about something, it will stick with me until I have thought about it a thousand different ways. For some reason this really stuck with me. I was curious why I felt like I needed a date night, when we have been happy together for eight years. We are by all accounts best friends as well as partners in life and actually enjoy each other’s company. We love curling up on the couch with a movie, going for a long hike, and even grocery shopping together. So again, why a date night?

A while ago I was listened to a wonderful podcast called “Happier”, by Gretchen Rubin who was discussing the New York Times bestselling book by Gary Chapman, “The Five Love Languages.” Our Love Languages help us to define how we best feel, hear, give and receive love from our partners. Here is the list just so you can figure yours out.

  • Words of Affirmation
  • Quality Time
  • Receiving Gifts
  • Acts of Service
  • Physical Touch (non sexual)

It was almost immediately while listening to this that I realized my love language is quality time. It explained so much, about why I just love spending time with Dave and why I love our planned date nights.

Dave and I were both married before we met each other, so I think we came into this relationship not only knowing what we want out of a partner, but what we don’t want as well. From the time we met, it was that immediate spark people talk about. Not to sound cheesy, but we knew we were in this for the long haul. Very early on our relationship was something we decided we needed to work on to be the best possible. We were both willing to put in the time it takes to nurture a growing relationship and we are better for it. Now here’s the thing, why would we stop that? Why should there be a time limit on spending quality time together, or taking time to actually talk to one another? I honestly feel as though we are successful in our relationship because we both treat each other as we did when we first began to date. Little surprises, a love note here and there. Spur of the moment road trips keep us excited for the adventure that is our lives together.

When friends of mine have asked me for relationship advice, I tended to say one thing. Treat them like you did in the beginning when your were first dating. Dave and I still hold hands and are very affectionate with each other. We check in on each other throughout the workday just to say, hi.  Our date nights are a special time when we focus on each other and the feelings that started eight years ago. A time separate from sitting on the couch together or going to Target. I encourage all of my friends to plan a date night with their partners. Go to dinner at a restaurant you’ve been wanting to try, Take a hike in a beautiful location where you can really talk and enjoy environment, or how about grabbing a cup of coffee and sitting on your porch for a bit. As long as you treat it like a special occasion, it will feel special. Make plans for a night, or day, of romance, and trust me when I say it, you will thank me later.


Greetings From Asbury Park

Greetings From Asbury Park

Asbury Park, New Jersey used to be a destination for people all over the country. In the late 1800’s there was a grand boardwalk with an orchestra pavilion and changing rooms for beach-goers. There was also a fantastic Merry-Go-Round that was built by hand in 1888 that even my father, who went to Asbury Park High School in 1970, got to see!


When the initial builders saw how quickly Asbury was becoming a place everyone wanted to go, the building really began. They started building grand hotels, and were one of the first beach towns to use all electricity and no gas lights at all. That meant lights everywhere! Electric games and amusements came next and more people followed. Victorian era homes still stand as bed and breakfasts, and the old swan boats from the 1920’s were re-built for Summer fun. It became known as “The Little Country By The Sea” due to all the Summer visitors and the creation of a downtown area full of shops, restaurants and musical performances. The New York Yankees even held spring training in Asbury during the 1940’s to conserve rail transport to Florida during the war. And anywhere the Yankees are, becomes the place to be.

Asbury Park Convention Hall

Time changes things and by the end of the 1940’s the Garden State Parkway was built, and the luster of Asbury park started to fade. It was easier for people to reach other New Jersey shore towns now, and New Jersey has a ton of beaches. Then came something Jersey, is now know for, the shopping mall. Those huge expanses where people could do all there shopping in one location put the quaint downtown shops right out of business. Then one very tough time in New Jersey history, the riots of the 70’s. My father graduated from Asbury Park High School in 1970 when it was still a fun surf and music town for locals. After the 1970 riots in July, parts of the downtown area were destroyed and are still not rebuilt. It looks like a town that time forgot. It appeared to be a sad future for a once glorious NJ destination town.


When Dave and I met, one of first warm weather things we did, was take a drive to Asbury. I was not too excited about that given the fact that I remember the last time I was there. I was probably about 10 years old and my father wanted to take a trip down memory lane and show my sister and I, his Asbury Park. A place where he hung out under the boardwalk with his buddies and his brother worked at a surf shop with Bruce Springsteen. He saw Janis Joplin fall off the stage at the Asbury Park Convention Hall. Judy Garland also fell off the same stage. As a kid I remember thinking they should have probably made a bigger stage. That trip made my dad sad, nothing was the way it once was. I remember my sister and I being hungry, and there was not a single boardwalk shop open. Not even a lone hot dog cart. I was excited to do anything with Dave and figured it would at least be a nice drive. Let me tell you, time does slowly change things. They had just filmed the Mickey Rourke movie, “The Wrestler” in Asbury so there were quite a few people walking the boardwalk. There were brand new, quite fancy, restaurants just built. There were a few shops being built and even a crepe stand. It was nothing at all like I remembered as a child. As the years have gone by, it is truly one of our favorite destinations. Every year there is more too. More shops being put up all the time, a pinball museum that is a big draw, and the music is back! The Convention Hall has regular concerts and an old favorite that any Springsteen fan has probably heard of, The Stone Pony, is alive and kicking with some huge acts! Don’t worry, the famous Madam Marie’s Palm Reading is still there! During this visit there was fresh artwork up on sides of buildings as a continuously evolving art installation. Brand new condominiums right on the water that are stunning, and so many people it made us thrilled to watch this town come back to life more and more every year. Don’t get me wrong, the grand old carousel is still in ruins, and the first of the two piers is still in shambles, but who knows what next year will bring? I know I’ll be back to find out.


The First Big Snow

The First Big Snow


Waking up early on a February morning to a blanket of snow is such a lovely thing. However, waking up to the sounds of a snow blower at 4:30 in the morning is another story. When I was a little girl, the anticipation of a snow day was so exciting that I almost couldn’t sleep the night before! Just thinking about sleeping in, watching cartoons, building a snowman till my fingers were on the verge of frostbite, and all that hot chocolate! At some point along the years I went from being infatuated with a cold snowy day to dreading the little pings on my iPhone telling me there is a weather alert. This morning when I saw the snow in the trees, I smiled a little, but dreaded knowing that I would have to trudge through the snow because the restaurant is always open. It was a nice surprise getting a text telling me that we were actually closed and would not open today. It is a beautiful sight to see and I’m hoping in this new year, that I can appreciate it the way I used to and getting today off really helps. I want to go on walks in the quiet snowy silence, go hiking and see the beauty in the giant trees and I want to go skiing…actually, I don’t want to ski. I won’t even fake that. I went once as a teenage and fractured my collarbone, so, that’s a no go for me. But all the other snow filled experiences, I say, bring them on! Now to bring the dog out. Maybe I can learn something from him, he loves the snow.


The Big Game!

The Big Game!


This year, Super Bowl Sunday, was a little different for me. To be honest, I’m a bit torn about it.

Usually I’m making all kinds of snacks healthy, and let’s face it, mostly not so healthy. I don’t know about you, but football screams dip to me. Taco dip, seven-layer dip, salsas, galore and a buffalo chicken dip, I recently made, that is to die for. I was debating making that yummy chili cheese dip that we all know and love with a giant, and I mean huge, bowl of Fritos. Usually some friends are involved, and my friends, love booze. Now I don’t want that to sound like a bad thing, we are all consenting, hard working adults who like an adult beverage from time to time. When I say time to time, I mean Fridays after a long work week, Tuesdays at book club, at a nice dinner out and most other days. I don’t know about you, but when I have a few cocktails, I get way more snacky. All of my ideas about having a mostly healthy evening sort of get thrown out the window with that second glass of Pinot. The crudité I was planning on indulging in, gets thrown aside for the never ending cheese slices and prosciutto with crackers.

This year I went to brunch in New York City with a great group of ladies. When I found out it was Super Bowl Sunday, I debated going. Knowing that there wouldn’t be that much needed cooking time for all my football snacks. I thought about it and decided, why not? I really wanted to go out, meet new people and have a bit of an adventure. Since I live a short train ride from midtown Manhattan, I am trying to really take advantage of that and experience more of my area. Then, sadly, I found out I had to go to my restaurant to work for a few hours. So, making those brunch plans didn’t seem so bad knowing there wouldn’t be any party for me this year.

Knowing that, I decided to go and get some snacks I would really enjoy. I worked till the beginning of the game, so there wouldn’t be a lot of prep time, so fast and fun was a necessity. Yes, I’ll miss the dips, but, there is always goat cheese! Crackers, and pretzels and veggie straws and and and…Trust me, when I try to think of a lot of quick snacks I love, it can be very hard to reign myself in. I didn’t get to over 300 pounds at one point of my life by not liking snacks. So, with that in mind, Dave and I hit the grocery store for some fun and not too bad snacks.

These are some snacks that I feel have a lot of flavor impact, without having to eat a ton of it. That means more bang for my buck!

All the snacks pictured are below 5PP/6SP a serving and make you feel like you are really going hog wild on the snacks. Even though usually anything with the word “hog” is something I try to avoid completely. In this case, oink, oink.


I hope you all enjoyed the game tonight. I know I enjoyed the babies dressed like NFL greats. (Lady) Gaga, as usual, stunning! While this wasn’t my typical Super Bowl day and party, I feel like I embraced the moment and enjoyed my day. I ate much better than I usually would on this food centric day and still managed to drink a glass, or 2, of vino. Till next time my loves…


Winter Ceviche Of Course… 

Winter Ceviche Of Course… 

It’s been cold. Like, very cold. January in New Jersey is below 20 one day and in the 40’s the next so it’s hard to plan ahead. This is the time of year when we start looking at the calendar and picking out summer vacation days. The time of year when I daydream about about flipping through magazines while at the beach, and not wearing 6 layers of sweaters. I think about warm nights and I automatically think about the shore. For me, growing up in New Jersey, the beach was where all of my summers were spent. When I was young I dreamed of sandy toes and crispy hot dogs right off the grill at Carlson’s Corner in Manasquan. As I got older, I still wanted those sandy toes, but the thought of ceviche and a crisp glass of sauvignon blanc now come to my mind. This recipe is something that Dave and I created a few years ago, out of an urge to taste the salty air without taking the drive down the shore. It’s a go to and so simple, I know you will make it again and again. Besides, this is citrus season, so ceviche, really is a winter meal.

Shrimp Ceviche 
45 Medium Shrimp, Peeled, Cooked and Chopped
2 Lemons, Juiced
2 Limes, Juiced
2 Oranges, Juiced
1 Cucumber, Diced
1 Red Onion, Diced
1 Tomato, Diced
1 Hass Avocado, Diced
Fresh Cilantro, to Taste

  • Mix together the cucumber, onion, tomato and shrimp.
  • Add chopped up cilantro, I use a small handful
  • Sprinkle salt and pepper over mixture
  • Juice all your citrus fruits right over the mixture stirring occasionally.
  • Add the avocado last on top of my 4 portions so it doesn’t get brown

Little tip: We tend to like it when it sits awhile. I will make it in the morning for dinner.
It makes 4 huge servings at 3sp/4pp a serving.